Welcome to Student Fun University

MES Polytechnic is a premier technical institute of Karnataka state situated in the Madhugiri City, Tumkur District. MES Polytechnic is an AICTE approved institution run by MES and coming under the purview of Directorate of Technical Education. The institute is rendering yeomen service to the citizens of Madhugiri and surrounding areas by offering three year diploma program in various engineering and non engineering courses.


Principal's Message - Sri H N Nagaraju, B.E(Civil)

Prof. Jane Applegate Phd.

I Welcome you all to MES Polytechnic College, one of the most prestigious and premier Polytechnic college in this region. MES polytechnic college is an institute that offers a variety of professional courses which are technical in nature. The courses offered at MES Polytechnic help an individual kick-start his career – they allow him to start his own business or get a decent job at a reputed place. At a time when the India needs more young people to opt for a career in engineering, the Diploma in Engineering offers a new route into the profession for a much broader section of our school students.
